
Saturday, December 29, 2018

Sample .gitignore file

Some good files to ignore .DS_Store a hidden file generated by Mac, .ipynb_checkpoints, hidden files generated by Python Notebooks aka Jupyter Notebooks. Large image datasets used for machine learning and deep learning training. .gitignore is also prefixed by a dot, it is a hidden file, usually doesn't show up in finder or file viewer, but can be opened in sublime.

Pytorch Torchvision model performance cheatsheet

Network vs Top-1 Error vs Top-5 Error including VGG net, ResNet, Densenet.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Visualize tensors - Machine Learning Deep Learning Cheat Sheet

Tensors are the basic units of deep learning frameworks, neural networks functions calculations. A one dimensional tensor is like a list of elements. A two dimensional tensor is like an excel sheet it has a row dimension and a column dimension. 3D tensor is like an RGB marked image. Each pixel has a red, green, blue value, makes each pixel representation 3 dimensional.

Trivia: Tensorflow is named after tensors. Duh

React UI, UI UX, Reactstrap React Bootstrap

React UI MATERIAL  Install yarn add @material-ui/icons Reactstrap FORMS. Controlled Forms. Uncontrolled Forms.  Columns, grid