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Real estate data science example
home price / median income ratio. "Historically, an average house in the U.S. cost around 5 times the yearly household income. During the housing bubble of 2006 the ratio exceeded 7 - in other words, an average single family house in the United States cost more than 7 times the U.S. median annual household income." If this ratio is too high it could be a signal of housing bubble.
Warning: Please do your own research. We cannot verify the code, team or tokenomics of the below mention projects. Please do your own research. Crypto and NFTs are highly speculative and risky. Improper use of smart contracts, signing message can compromise your entire wallet/ portfolio / digital assets. Please only use test wallets, new wallets and test tokens.
John's skeleton's
Tezos NFT
Trending concept: token gated store, community, club e.g. token gated shopify store front. a solana store is being designed in miami. The space already has a virtual render.
Tiffany is making CryptoPunk pendants with fine jewelry. It is still very unaffordable. To make the jewelry you will need to own the punk, which is included in the hefty price tag! The floor price of punks is not trivial
We haven't heard about too many successful NFTs launching on Coinbase except for Bill Murray's. It includes variation of many of his cool acting career milestones and climate change and political beliefs The Bill Murray 1000 collection offers 100 story NFTs containing anecdotes, observations, advice, memories, Murray-isms, and more. including The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Do your own research. Please read our disclaimer. Crypto security is tricky. This method is seen on the internet is not guaranteed to work. Just doing this disconnect wallet with trusted site is usually not enough to ensure security.
Magic Ethen / @MagicEden.
***There seems to be a widespread SOL exploit at play that's draining wallets throughout the ecosystem
Here's what you can do right now to best protect yourself
1. Go to >Settings on your @phantom
2. >Trusted Apps wallet
3. >Revoke Permissions for any suspicious links
7:08 AM Aug 3, 2022
Read the full conversation on Twitter
Top cloud providers: Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Alibaba Aliyun in Asia
Google Cloud
Why use Cloud Dataproc? "Dataproc is a managed Spark and Hadoop service that lets you take advantage of open source data tools for batch processing, querying, streaming, and machine learning. Dataproc automation helps you create clusters quickly, manage them easily, and save money by turning clusters off when you don't need them. With less time and money spent on administration, you can focus on your jobs and your data” - SOURCE google training workshop
Study for Google Cloud and Data Engineer certificate exams
Google Cloud Quiz : Which of these storage needs is best addressed by Cloud Storage? [public]
The most important goal for in 2020-2021 (as seen in promotions in hackathons and developer jams) include:
multi modal applications using wit and Portal (not yet available to all developers), conversation model, conversation design, fitness, wellness. can be the NLP layer of your app. It can make your web app and mobile app voice enabled, and smart with AI.
For authentication the api uses a auth bearer token, which you must include in your API call.
Integration between and Facebook Messenger is readily available, natural and easy. It is frequently seen in hackathons.
Future and exciting projects using wit AI for daily usage, fitness, wellness seems to be active areas that Facebook is promoting during hackathons
Security wise it is unclear if your data goes through encryption. It also looks like Facebook will have access to the data (refer to term of service). You assume some ownership of the data, for example you can download the training data. Disclaimer: we are not lawyers, and we are unsure about the logistics of term of usage and the legal part of hackathons : fitness,
Past hackathon winners: Robin accountant which can set a budget and track expense.
Build intent handler. Code intent handler
Plugins : sublime plugin for sublime editor, extensions for vscode.
VSCode (VS Code) basics:
Drag file to text editing panel to preview, edit and write code.
View > Layout > Two columns to view files side-by-side
Another reason to use Visual Studio Code, VS Code will display a little color swatch right next the hexadecimal value of CSS colors.
Live server, live preview, hot loading functionality available for web development.
Visual Studio Code can be used for JavaScript, Python, Deep Learning. Visual Studio Code VS Code extension code runner, run multiple languages including javascript. (node.js must be installed). Click on code runner, select language javascript.
Click hold terminal output tab drag it to the right, to dock it there,
Typing code on iOS: Did you know you can long hold symbols/keys for more programming friendly syntax? For example, long hold the quote key to type ' instead of ". When typing in notepad, the double quote is stylized, not valid programming script syntax.
Build a portfolio, publish to Github, and or using Github page.
Moralis is a powerful Web3 framework for building decentralized apps (dapps). Moralis supports many chains both mainnets and testnets. That's impressive! Ethereum (and other EVM compatible chains and tokens), polygon, binance smart and now avalanche and fantom!! Rad! You can use moralis to build web3 apps quickly. By the way, Moralis has super good documentation, this blog post is just my personal notes. You really don't need it. But you can read it like a summary, initial walk through, guided tour. The moralis documentation is excellente.
Web3 dev platform. Great for creating dapps. Moralis API handles all the common tasks. Moralis projects are organized under email accounts, then each project has its own server (select net to be mainnet testnet ). Once a server is created you will get the API info: server URL app id and secrets.
01 In moralis dashboard initialize a server with your desired blockchain. Use testnet for tutorials and education purpose. Grab the server API key. Launch Moralis Server Initialize SDK in your app.
02 in your app.js or main.js first import moralis then initialize your moralis variables
03 All user info instantly in Moralis Server Database Tokens, MATIC, NFT Balances and Transaction once user logs in.
The server will automatically go to sleep after a period of non use.
Web3 APIs by Moralis : inspect the API endpoints in the admin panel. You can preview sokme of the functionalities and see what values are received as a part of the request. Moralis APIs : can retrieve all transactions in EVM compatible chains that are supported, also Solana. Retrieve all tokens.
It also provides some building blocks and really good looking UI for building DEX (this functionality is limited in the USA but is super useful in places where DEX's are allowed). Ivan talks about the potentially to charge referral fees. Do your own research, know your regulations. This is not advice, not professional advice, not production/commercial used. At your own risk. Crypto is very risky.
On Moralis API page/dashboard, we can see all the GET and POST methods available.
Example Solana API on
Solana API
GET /dateToBlock Gets the closest block of the provided date
GET /block/(block_number_or_hash} Gets block contents by block hash
GET {address}/logs Gets address logs
GET /block/block_number_or_hash)/nft/transfers Gets NFT transfers by bomber or block hash ?
GET /transaction/(transaction_hash} Get transaction details by transaction hash
Gets events by topic …
Moralis functionalities. Moralis can get price of token. Smart contract events automatically synced to moralis database.
Core functionality of a decentralized app [pro, paid members only] What does a dapp need? Core functionalities of a dApp. dapp functionality and API. [pro]
Moralis new release
What’s Moralis nitro
Supposedly according the newsletter. Coming soon. Not yet available
🚀 10x faster user sync
🚀 10x faster smart contract sync
🚀 10x more robust dApps
Moralis has a JavaScript course for beginners to JavaScript programming and web3. But it has a price tag $2000. The founder Ivan founded the course, and he is an awesome guy. He tweets about this Js course, Moralis, and he seems to be a crypto bull.
Moralis SDK
Moralis JavaScript SDK: v2. "This Node.js library will feature integrations for new Moralis 2.0 products, starting with our Auth API, EVM API, and Solana API.
Moralis Solana API
getPortfolio gets all three at the same time
It's possible to use Moralis and Serverless cloud functions to create complex web3 apps.
A word on going live: WARNING and reminder our tutorials, codes and contents are not for production use. While you can go live, please use only testnet, throw-away wallet, wallet that contains no real tokens.
When developing on web3, you can test using a test node in one of the ethereum test networks, or a ganache local node, or a free hosted node provided by cloud flare. Blockchain, web3 and crypto applications must be thoroughly tested, using the industry best practice, and being audited and monitored regularly.
Hackers often target these applications. A reminder: warning our code base does not support production usage, does not support live, commercial usage. Our codes have not being tested in live/production/deployed environments. They cannot be used on mainnet. We are not liable for any costs, damages, losses. Please read our full disclaimer, terms of usage.
You have worked with different chains such as mainnet, testnet, or Ganache (Ganache is your own local development chain).
It must be hosted locally on your computer or publicly on a server like Netlify.
The easiest method is with the "Live Server" extension for Visual Studio Code.
You can also use Python's built-in web server.
Did you know the property brothers have a book? My favorite part is the page where they talk about real estate lingos and translate it to laymans. Like what does an agent mean when he/she say quaint.
"RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded"
Issue the maximum recursion depth is reached. The maxinum depth is 1000 in python.
solution 01
"The default is 1000 levels deep and you can change that using the setrecursionlimit function in the sys module."
solution 02
Use an iterative approach.
Tesla: "
" - per Tesla released note
Go Pro 9 10 has build in video stabilization, called hypersmooth 2.0 (in-camera stabilization). GoPro sells a separate software called Reelready GO for $99+ bucks which will take in gyroscope data, to stabilize post-production. The GoPro player can also play stabilized video if the footage comes from a gopro camera with gyro data
Solana is a layer 1 blockchain.
Why Solana? Fast, cheap, can be robust
Current event:
- Solana build during bear market
Solana Summer Camp Hackathon
Twitter space talk
Prizes : payments ~50K, grants, no need to give up equity (?), Prizes are grants, no equity necessary to participate.
Summer camp. coworking, hacker houses around the world. For example the San Francisco Summer Camp is located at a co-working space called SPACES near the pier 39 occasion front.
Getting started with Solana
What is Rust [flash card] 👇🏼
Developer lifestyle : really love the solana designs, and color palette, just so good with the new gaming aesthetics, reminds me of cool clubs and gaming conferences. Fun fact, trivia there's even a Solana beer : There's also the Solana IRL Store in Miami and NYC
Get involved Solana Ambassador
Past price
solana SOL $165 December 13, 2021
Getting Start with Rust
Rust is a system language like C C++ and GO. It has included memory management. C++ requires DIY.
Task: Create a Rust project
$ cargo init
Definition: Cargo is the package manager for Rust
Task: run the main program in Rust. Source file has main function
$ cargo run
Main function is always the first function that will be executed when running rust. If one changes function to a different name will get error.
Task: Hello World with Rust.
pub fn hello(){
println!("Hello World!");
Task: import hello module. Mod is the keyword for module.
mod hello;
fn main(){
Task: use :: syntax to call function in a module
Task : view startup scripts Scroll down to the bottom of package.json
"start": "nodemon app.js",
"serve": "node",
Grape (GRAPE), a solution for validating users on Solana. "Create, Reward & Secure any online community by harnessing the power of Solana" - Coingecko
Solana Mobile
Solana mobile stack in progress, becoming the chain that mobile developers think about (Packy McCormick
Why is the Solana leadership excited about Solana Mobile? All in one Solana platform - comparable to the emergence of super apps like WeChat. Rough transcription: "WeChat moment for crypto. Super app for everything in crypto. Solana mobile. Crypto can track an address interact with u, know the entire history."
Speaker, currently interaction is mostly on desktop, need the wechat moment for crypto - super app),
solana in person todo
learning resource
Seen on twitter “The Solana Development Course on @soldevapp is soo good! Great work and thank you to @jamesrp13 and the other contributors!
Potential Solana courses: (we have not had a chance to try or test these courses) Solana course
Moralis supports Solana. Current two types of development tools are available SDK and REST API. Here are some of the API endpoints
Solana web3 javascript SDK API
Solana Documentation : Web3 JavaScript API What is Solana-Web3.js?
injected web3 window.solana .
Community size: discord member August 2021 ~ 133,000.
What's Squid Prize? Solana contribution Prize
We have been using Square Payroll for our startup. It takes care of filing and forms. Which is pretty amazing. You are probably familiar with Square payment POS point of sale system. Did you know it also offer free online shop and URLs (ecommerce portal like shopify), tracks inventory, . It also offers payroll, time card, team time tracker via the Square Team app, clock in clock out is easy. Payroll supports contractors and full time employees, handles direct deposit. We haven't tried it yet but these benefits and HR options are available : external HR as a service, benefits such as shopping for healthcare, retirement plan. So cool. It's a joy to not deal with these HR pain points. That makes a startup founder happy.
draft in progress
Traction : active user revenueYou can watch more than live streaming of games on twitch. Twitch can be a sports platform, community interaction, watch games, learn coding, live coding.
Firebase is an app development platform, owned and supported by Google. Firebase helps developers launch serverless database.
These are the enterprise users that use Firebase.
Firebase extension: Firebase plugin for external APIs such as MailChimp, Stripe.
Firebase Extension Event: released 2022, add additional custom logic, code on 3rd party API. Event based, more customization on Firebase Extension. Additional Custom logic. Example firebase function, firebase extension event code snippet.
Firebase offerings : screenshot from firebase developer event by google
Firebase security rule testing. Example pseudo code : if request id == resource id can view, edit. Basically means if the creator of the object is equal to the requester of the object, go ahead and let them view and edit. Use Firebase emulator to develop and test.
This infographics is from This is not financial advice. Just find it helpful comparing different products of turbotax. As an entrepreneur, I often have to make decisions about which Turbotax version to choose.
![]() |
increase jinja2 template cache limit from 50 to above. to speed up flask app significantly source: One line of code cut our Flask page load times by 60% (Medium)
Use case of flask:
Use Flask as database, so data can persist.
Display dashboard data. Create dashboard
Alternative to flask : fastAPI
This gives an hypothetical idea of how to add WalletConnect (which includes Trust Wallet) using Moralis. All you have to do is to include walletconnect as a provide. The challenge is the walletconnect is provided by an old github library. It may not work any more.
Warning this is an older tutorial and an older extension. All our tutorials and codes have not been tested in the production environment. We are not responsible for costs and damages. Do your own research. Any crypto codes must be thoroughly tested and audited by you.
Weekly Active Users, WoW% growth etc, volume and stickiness DAU/MAU
Example source : twitter
“The Jupyter Notebook enables users to create and share documents that combine live code with narrative text, mathematical equations, visualizations, interactive controls, and other rich output. It also provides building blocks for interactive computing with data: a file browser, terminals, and a text editor.”
Jupyter Notebook is a development environment that supports languages like Python and many other languages. Data Scientists and Machine Learning practitioners use notebook to clean data, build models, show case and share findings, collaborate, present data visualizations. It serves many more purposes.
Question:What languages do you use in Jupyter?
Answer: C (and derivatives), R, Go, Ruby, Groovy, Rust, Java, Scala, JavaScript, Spark SQL, Julia, SQL, NodeJS, TypeScript, Perl, U? Jupyter, php, Python
Did you know you can name a range in Excel, and you can refer to it later. You can store these numbers 1 through 9 in excel.
Select the 9 cells, then on the top left corner change it's column name range to a new name : matrix. Then click enter.
In a new cell, you can type =sum( which is the sum function, instead of drag and select the range, just type the name you give to the range : matrix. Close the parenthesis. =sum(matrix)
Error message
Unsupported engine {
package: 'hardhat@2.9.3',
required: { node: '^12.0.0 || 14.0.0 || 16.0.0' }
current: { node: 'v18.0.0', npm: '8.6.0' }
It may be surprising that to use the latest smart contract development tool Hardhat, you will need to use an older version of Node.js, NOT the current node.js 18. Revert it to node 12, 14, 16.
<Response> <Say> <Play> <Gather>. There are more we haven’t listed here.
Example markup file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Say>Thanks for calling!</Say>
Big Numbers You Should Know Technical Interviews Power of 2.
KB kilobyte, megabytes MB, GB gigabyte, TB terabyte, Peta, Exa, Zetta, Yotta
#Installing all the dependencies of project
# Starting a new project
yarn init
"Yarn is a package manager for your code. It allows you to use and share (e.g. JavaScript) code with other developers from around the world."
DoubleClick Campaign Manager
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What is Moralis: moralis is an easy to use web3 framework, a dapp middleware.
Moralis is multi-chain: Moralis supports Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon., avalanche. "build and deploy dApps on Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Solana, and Elrond (more coming)." official website. Moralis Solana API : can try in the admin page
Dev tools : Moralis is compatiable with Ganache.
Use cases of Moralis: "This is possible since Moralis provides an infinitely, fully managed bakend infrastructure for all users. ... Moralis also offers ... native support for MetaMask, IPFS, the Moralis NFT API, cross-chain compatibility, etc. ... valuable tools that help developers save time and money by shortening the development process. Another neat function is the Moralis Speedy Nodes functionality, which now comes with full WebSocket support. Moralis’ Speedy Nodes are some of the best, most reliable, and fast nodes available. Moralis already offer nodes for four different networks; ETH, Polygon, BSC, and Arbitrum. Moralis also supports archive nodes of all these networks, which means that it is possible to query information from past states of the respective blockchains. " Moralis
Features: Moralis dashboard provides token balance, NFT balance, historical transactions
Moralis authentication:
Single Sign On (SSO) aka magic link. Receive an email to click and sign in instead of using username and passwords.
It's possible to use walletconnect with Moralis. There's a github repo library available.
BAYC launched a real in-person yacht party and a warehouse party. These are the twitter threads that track that party and show awesome photos and videos.
Bored Ape Yacht Club Party summarized on twitter threads
Moralis Avalanche (blockchain) ($Avax) DeFI #hackathon. Avalanche is not just a faster ethereum. At its core, it's different. This hackathon has a mega prize pool. As Evan from Moralis would say the size of the prize pool is massive in crypto!
Great eco system
Feature: power of Avalanche Contract Chain (C-Chain)
covalent subnet, customizable, mix of sharding, wall-off, jurisdiction - regulatory, private network
Warning: Please read our disclaimer. Do your own research. Our contents are informational purpose only. Even the congress is yet to understand and fully study the use and effect of stablecoins. We are not able to verify external resources like these below.
Decrypto guide to stablecoins
Coindesk : "stablecoins are used for trading, lending and borrowing, but the report added that these tokens may eventually become a means of payment for businesses and households. Another footnote specified that the report is not addressing any potential stablecoin issues under federal securities or commodities laws, but the report itself did acknowledge the SEC and CFTC's authority to oversee stablecoins that meet the provisions of these laws. The legislation would apply to stablecoin issuers that are headquartered in the U.S., operate stablecoins that people in the U.S. can access or otherwise have"
Watch out not all stablecoins are collatoralized What are Stablecoins :
Binary cross entropy using y, 1-y to represent the probability of class 0 or class 1
sebastian thrun founder of udacity explains binary cross entropy
Review Alchemy, developer platform, super node for blockchain, NFT, crypto. Alchemy has attracted a lot of attention lately because of high-profile Andreessen Horowitz -led investment.
Can use alchemy composer to compose request.
"Alchemy is extremely proud to be powering the biggest names in the NFT space, including Makersplace (recently set a record digital artwork sale at Christie’s for $69 Million), Dapper Labs (creators of NBA Top Shot & Crypto Kitties), OpenSea (the world’s largest NFT marketplace), Zora, Super Rare, NFTfi, Foundation, Enjin, Origin Protocol, Immutable, and more."
Alchemy request composer, Ethereum get balance example
Here's what you need to know about OpenSea NFTs as a developers. Before we start, be sure to read our disclaimer and warnings. Remember these contents are for informational purpose only.
Why should you care? Recently OpenSea has had stellar performance, gained steam and attracted amazing investments.
This is an example of Blocky Doge, doge themed NFT by supposedly dogecoin creator. These traits are stored permanently as a part of the metadata of the token on chain.
To get this value you will need to grab it from stripe dashboard, webhook secret, it usually begins with
Navigate to Stripe dashboard > select Developer from top nav > select webhook from left nav, then select the webhook you created, and select reveal secret in the webhook's menu.
Signing secret begins with whsec.
You will need to add this secret to firebase for firebase to successfully communicate with your stripe webhook.
Examples of algorithms gone bad, gone wrong, unethical. Lessons to learn and what NOT to do when designing an algorithm.
Apple's "sexist" credit card.
Stanford researchers' horrid gaydar paper
Crypto investment.
Warning Please be sure to read our Disclaimer before reading this post or any post on our blog, youtube, proprietary website.
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