
Sunday, June 17, 2018

Git and Github basics

Git is a VCS version control system. Git repository is distributed and "backed-up" "copied" by every repo user's git system. 
If the repo is centralized, we still risk the entire repo in the centralized server if that server fails. In distributed version controls, each repo retains the entire copy and the entire history, can be pushed back up into the cloud and restore the entire repo.  

$git config --global color.ui true
$git remote -v
$heroku run rake assets:precompile

git add <list o files>
git add --all
git add *.txt
git add directory/*.txt
git add directory/
git add "*.txt" (add all txt files of the entire project)

#compare diff between local and remote
git diff
# compare what's in the staged repo (after $add .) versus unstaged
git diff --staged
#unset changes in stage
git reset <filename>

## git head is the last commit on the current branch

#restoring file to the previous state
git checkout -- filename
git checkout -- fileone filetwo

# add and commit at the same time
# caveat does not add new files, still need to add it separately
git commit -a -m "comments here"

# undoing a commit
# move to the commit one before the current head (previous head)
# changes to go back to staging area
git reset --soft HEAD^
# or
git commit --amend -m "adding to the previous commit and also modify the message"
# or
#completely remove the previous commit
$git reset --hard HEAD^
# or completely remove the previous two commits
$git reset --hard HEAD^^

#sharing git
#dealing with remote repository
# git does not handle access control, it is usually is handled by GitHub or BitBucket

## check remote
$git remote -v (fetch) (push)
 origin (fetch)
 origin (push)

 ##managing remotes
 $git remote add <name> <address>
 $git remote rm <name>

 ## heroku create will automatically add a remote called "heroku"
 git push <remote name> <branch name>
 git push heroku master

 ## branching
 $git checkout master
 $git merge <branchname>
 # git fast forward

## branching
$git checkout master
$git merge <branchname>
# git fast forward
# delete a git branch
$git branch -d <branchname>
# create a branch and checkout
$git checkout -b <branchname>

## always git pull from remote to ensure that there are no new changes
## if branch and master are at different timelines, i.e. not all new changes are committed
## in the branch that is about to be merged, then git will open an VI to view the changes
## git merge recursively and also create a node in the log about the merge

## merge commit
## if remote is ahead
## then have to pull
## which merge origin/master, the remote, with the local master
## then need to git push to add the new changes

## scenario: same file, conflicts
## git pull, syncs repo, pulls down all the changes, and try to merge
## discover a conflict
## need to edit the file, diff, edit manually to fix it,
## git commit -a
## vi editor will give a detailed message

#list all remote branches
$git branch -r
# help check branch histories versions
$git remote show <remotename>
#delete a remote branch ONLY
$git push <remotename> :<remote branch name>
$git branch -d <localbranchname>
# to delete LOCAL branch forcefully
$git branch -D <localbranchname>

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