- WeChat requires approval
- Important to decouple app with data API so we can change more after
- Where to host WeChat app? Best hosting best API?
- 微信开发者工具 WeChat Developer Tools
- 三个部分组成,模拟器,编辑器和调试器
- Developer also need a wechat account to administer and manage wechat apps and login to developer tools. It is used constantly for login, verification and testing, so it's very important. It also is like a 2 factor authentication. It is often used to verify before logging in.
- index.js is the main page to write your code
- WeChat Games
- Amazing example viral game 跳一跳
- Performance
- Compressed images
- Stored locally in geo locations
- WeChat Mini Program with AR
- Example Armani cosmetic app allows users to try makeup
- Other use cases for WeChat AR including gaming, real estate house previewing, open house, hotel room previewing, house shopping
- Limited API availability, only available for some brands and developers for AR
- WeChat voice interface
- WeChat is a platform, not just a messaging app, it also include e-commerce, game, web browsing, search and content publishing
- Features
- Pull down to refresh will invoke onPullDownRefresh callback function
- WeChat mini program event lifecycle
- onLoad when the app is first loaded
- When the mini program first launch, onLoad will be invoked
- Other wechat lifecyle events include onLoad, onReady, onShow, onHide, onUnload, onPullDownRefresh, onShareAppMessage, onPageScroll, onResize, onTabItemTap, ... read this documentation for more details.
- Can create a wechat test app, previously known as sandbox
- To test your app, click on preview on iphone to use your iphone to scan a QR code and be able to test it on your local phone
Write HelloWorld in WeChat Mini Program
When the wechat mini program launches, the onLoad function will be invoked. In index.js this code will console.log hello world. As you can see the syntax is very much similar to JavaScript and is stored in a .js script file.
onLoad() {
console.log("Hello World!")
onLoad is a lifecycle call back function
Making WeChat Stickers - Sticker Developer
It's very important to follow community guideline and developer policies. Here's the content requirement for WeChat
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