
Monday, May 13, 2013

Levo League - an online community for aspiring young women

Levo League was founded on the East Coast a few years ago by two impressive young women, one of them Caroline Ghosn had Stanford connections so I was tweeting about Levo League since pretty much day one.

I watched it grow:  it always had a professional, minimalistic front end design, even an online virtual office at one point, then the photography got really good, professional, lightbox effects. And then the office hours kicked in, upvoting Levo as the ultimate place for young women to seek advice and see what successful women and men in business and technology have to offer.

It is so extraordinary to see that intelligent young women need to look no further to find perfectly welcoming and open communities designed specifically for them. If they seek, they shall find the path to success. That is a truly American spirit. You want it, work for it and get it.

Check out all these great resources for the future you:

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