- echo $PATH
- changing the $PATH to optimize for basic unix commands can help save time. Very important for server maintenance.
- // print current working directory$pwd
- grep -n showing line number
- less slash searchwc word count
- If need to approximate find or remember a command:apropos keywordapropos copy
- PHP Command line: error log (have to turn the error log on first)
- >tail -100f error.log
- Generally heroku and phonegap may require commandline tools, in heroku it is known as the heroku command line toolbelt
- Show and hide hidden files on mac
Just follow the steps below and your finder will show hidden files:-
Start your “Terminal”
type “defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE” and enter (without the quote)
type “killall Finder” and enter (without quote)
Done. You have just enable your show hidden files in Finder
To disable the show hidden files in Finder, follow the steps below:-
Start your “Terminal”
type “defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE” and enter (without the quote)
type “killall Finder” and enter (without quote)
Done. You have just disable your show hidden files in Finder
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