It is not too late to get started coding for Alexa - making Alexa skills. Let's get started! updated December 2021.
Alexa design : Why Voice Design Matters: We Don’t Speak the Way We Write (2018)
- Workflow: Build Test Launch and Measure
- Use the Alexa Developer Console
- Start with a custom skill or Flash Briefing or Smart Home or Video skill
- Invocation name that is unique for your Alexa app
- Build an interaction model voice user interface (VUI)VUI (specific to voice apps)
- Need to provide examples, sample utterance
- How user interacts with Alexa? How does it work Source 1 (also see above image from source 5)
- Innovation name is used often, succinct and unique is good
- Intent is what your skill app can do
- Utterances is how or the language that users expresses to your skill the right intent
- Slot accept inputs from users
- Connect other APIs use interfaces
- JSON editor. You can use the visual console to enter intents and utterances or you can write JSON code.
- Specify end point where the code will live. End point receives request. "where the custom logic will live". Not the interaction model.
Source 6
User Alexa Interactions
- The user says the wake word, Alexa.
- Alexa hears the wake word and listens.
- The Alexa service uses the interaction model to figure where to route the request.
- A JSON request is sent to the skill's lambda function.
- The lambda function inspects the JSON request.
- The lambda function determines how to respond.
- The lambda function sends a JSON response to the Alexa service.
- The Alexa service receives the JSON response and converts the output text to an audio file.
- The Alexa-enabled device receives and plays the audio.
Direct quote from Source 5
Free Alexa Developer Training Course
Use this full end-to-end training course from Amazon Source 5
Best practice
- Welcome prompt is important. Provide important information.
- Avoid jargons - difficult or professional words that are hard for users to recall, use or understand. See what I did there? Avoided jargons.
- Use conversations that are natural. Ironically, you should even test if your conversation models are natural. Does it understand common utterances - things users say or use? Is it what the users expect?
- One breath test: dialogs should be finished in one breath
- Read out loud to test the dialog scripts
- Can use Alexa simulator to test.
- Recommend testing and get user feedback before submitting for certification
- Take pauses
text here <break time="600ms"/> more text here
More best practices source 7
Create Alexa Skills with Blueprint
Blueprint is the no-code way to get started building with Alexa. Minimum coding skills required! It's possible to non-engineers to build a common pattern alexa app quickly using Alexa Blueprint!
Create Alexa Skills with APIs
Some available APIs.Create Alexa without code
Alexa for Gaming
Read the document or join a hackathon to learn more.Backend
- The backend is usually a lambda function and is interacted via a lambda endpoint
- A simple storage service (S3) is provisioned if hosted on AWS
Other resources
- Amazon often hosts Build Your First Alexa Skill in 1 Hour Webinars
- Udacity Natural Language Processing nanodegree (NLP) for deep learning and machine learning teaches Alexa and IBM Watson skills.
- Twilio Autopilot can build smart language interaction models based on sample utterances, and outputs JSON files that can integrate with Alexa.
- Shark Tank Mark Cuban talks about how he uses Alexa and why developers should develop for Alexa. Source 8
- Amazon Pay in Alexa example Blu ai Source 9
- Alexa Skills Kit Developer Console Source Source 11
- Alexa for Business allows businesses to host private skills within the organization Source 13
- You can write Alexa backend in either Node.js or Python
- Alexa can speak other languages such as English, Japanese, Spanish, Italian etc. Unfortunately it cannot speak Chinese right now. Source 14
- Alexa is on many IoT devices including driving speakers, and Facebook Portal photo frame and video call.
Can brand with a sound or a familiar tune.
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10 - Best practices
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12 - Flash Briefing
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