
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Major changes to the blog

Dear readers,

It has come to a time when I want to make two major changes to this blog:

1. Make it more than just coding, it'll be all Bay Area/  Silicon Valley, tech-centric Lifestyle blog
2. I want to make my personal coding website CodeDiv and all the video contents there FREE for all!
3. I want to do insights on "elite" lifestyle / career /education that is hard to access for many. For example, it was almost lucky and randomness that i got into Stanford, because my parents and including my counselor at that time, didn't have a clear picture of what I can do at all to get in. E.g., I have helped a dear friend find a job that she wouldn't dreamed of having, because none of her peers knew or dreamed of something like that, her parents are immigrants, so wouldn't know either. It's really an open education and advice sharing platform.

The difficulties and obstacles of turning it into this are:
1. web hosting costs
2. screenflow recording software costs
3. books and education, workshop costs to boost up my knowledge
4. professional writer / editor costs, i work with professionals on important articles like Twitter Bootstrap

Let me know your thoughts recommendations and support.

Also more on Hack Reactor coming soon! Like this Review:  Hack Reactor - the Human Factor

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